Once again Elephant Guardians of LA have organized a grand event to coincide not only with #GMFER2019 but as a Rally to Free Billy the Elephant to a proper elephant sanctuary.
What: Free Billy the Elephant Rally & Global March For Elephants and Rhinos (GMFER) Event
When: Saturday 18 May 2019 from 10AM to NOON PST
Where: LA Zoo 5333 Zoo Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027 USA
Why: Because you care about elephant welfare & you know that elephants should live as elephants, not held captive anywhere. And because you love elephants & you love Billy the elephant. Let us help to FREE BILLY first.
Support Our Billy the Elephant & All of Our Asian & African Elephants Worldwide by Attending This Rally.

Thank you to:
Elephant Guardians of Los Angeles @elephantguardianslosangeles Facebook (hosting the Free Billy Rally & leading the #GMFER)
Global March for Elephants and Rhinos ( GMFER ) @March4Elephants Facebook
In Defense of Animals @indefenseofanimals Facebook
Los Angeles For Animals @losangelesforanimals Facebook
#hope for Billy
Image: Poster GMFER Billy the elephant profile striking close up at the LA Zoo CC Flickr by Theresab
Elephant Guardians of Los Angeles
Elephant Spoken Here Facebook
“For me, every day is `Free Billy Day’ in L.A. until we get him to a sanctuary” Paul Koretz 2018
L.A. Councilman Paul Koretz website

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