Here are seven elephantine ideas for the best Valentine’s Day from Elephant Spoken Here!
1) Adopt an elephant: Baby Elephant GODOMA, rescued by Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, was born on Valentine’s Day!

Too Cute For Photo! Credit: public domain, Baby Elephant Drawing
2) World Wildlife Fund is offering Free Valentine ECards. WWF is a worthy charity, saving elephants and other “threatened species” of wildlife. Make a donation if you can.

Image: WWF, elephant Valentine
3) Elephant Aid International offers a printable card, including a Valentine’s card, with an ‘honor gift‘ in support of their programs to help our elephants.

Image: Elephant Aid International, Carol Buckley, Valentine Elephant Joy
4) Global Sanctuary For Elephants “Show your big love for Ramba, Guida, Chocolate and other elephants in need of sanctuary in South America this February 14th.” For all that they have done for our captive & wild elephants, Scott Blais, & his wife Kat, are our heroes!

Image: Global Sanctuary For Elephants
5) We cannot forget the iconic landmark in Margate NJ that we all know as Lucy the Elephant, a roadside attraction that was saved from destruction in a quaint seaside town. Remember? That Lucy the Elephant turned down the “Spokes-Elephant” position offered her several years back. Still, they are offering a fancy dinner for two on Valentine’s Day of which some of the proceeds will help with Lucy’s upkeep for many years to come.

Image: by Lucy the Elephant at Margate NJ seaside
6) BUT Elephant Spoken Here feels the real Lucy the elephant, trapped in the Edmonton Valley Zoo in Alberta, Canada would benefit from a Valentine Donation even more (make sure you specify LUCY on the Zoocheck Donation Form). See also

Image: CC Flickr by E Tavares: Lucy the zoo elephant in Edmonton Alberta Canada
7) Shirley , Nosey and all of the rescued pachyderms at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee appreciate your support this Valentine’s Day as well.

Image: The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee
ESH & Our Elephants Want to Thank You:
Thank you to all who love elephants, who volunteer your time and who help to share our message of elephant conservation around the world.
Elephant Spoken Here facebook
Images: Public Domain: Baby elephant drawing, WWF, Elephant Aid International; Elephant Sanctuary TN; Lucy the elephant seaside landmark; Global Sanctuary For Elephants & CC Flickr by E Tavares: Lucy the elephant in Edmonton Alberta, Canada Zoo