“We March Against Extinction and demand governments take action to stop the poaching of elephants and rhinos and end the trade in ivory and rhino horn.” GMFER website

Poster: GMFER march4elephantsandrhinos.org
Global March For Elephants & Rhinos.
Elephant activists and elephant advocates are helping to save elephants
by making their voices “herd “.
![GMFER Elephant_family_faded[1]](https://i0.wp.com/elephantspokenhere.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/gmfer-elephant_family_faded1.png?resize=610%2C424&ssl=1)
Image: GMFER elephant herd
Join with your GMFER today, Saturday 7 October 2017.
Our elephants thank you.

Image: Pixabay: mother elephant and baby elephant
Images: GMFAR Poster, GMFER logo, GMFER elephant herd, elephant mother & baby elephant Pixabay,