Video Moment, A Look Back: BLES Founder Exposes Inherent Cruelty Whilst Sharing Her Vision For an Elephant Sanctuary to Rescue Abused Elephants in Thailand
My Elephant Life or Extraordinary People Devoting Their Lives to Elephants

Video Moment, A Look Back: BLES Founder Exposes Inherent Cruelty Whilst Sharing Her Vision For an Elephant Sanctuary to Rescue Abused Elephants in Thailand

A vision often becomes a reality, which is true of BLES. But not without a lot of blood, sweat and tears along the way. Since the founding of Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) (3) in Sukhothai, Thailand in 2007 (6) Katherine Connor has come a long way. She is a survivor and has never given … Continue reading »

Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand; Beginnings: A Baby Elephant, the World’s First Elephant Wheelchair & A Visionary Determined to Uphold a Legacy
My Elephant Life or Extraordinary People Devoting Their Lives to Elephants

Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand; Beginnings: A Baby Elephant, the World’s First Elephant Wheelchair & A Visionary Determined to Uphold a Legacy

Behind every strong visionary is an inspiration. In this story the inspiration for elephant lover Katherine Connor to provide sanctuary for captive & abused elephants in Thailand (BLES) was a baby elephant who demonstrated such courage, as he struggled to overcome an injury, that he could only have been named Boon Lott…     Katherine … Continue reading »

Significant Victory For Our Elephants in Cambodia as the Last Remaining Riding Elephants at Angkor Wat Will Be Retired and Relocated By Early 2020
Stand By Your Elephant or Petitions / Initiatives / Legislation Intended to Protect Our Elephants

Significant Victory For Our Elephants in Cambodia as the Last Remaining Riding Elephants at Angkor Wat Will Be Retired and Relocated By Early 2020

Working elephants have long played a part in the history of Cambodia. They have been depicted in bas relief and other forms of sculpture for centuries, particularly on and among the temples of the Angkor Wat.     As the twenty first century rolled around it naturally evolved that elephants would play an important part … Continue reading »

Pang Suai : Elephant of the Week at Boon Lott’s  Elephant Sanctuary  : Miss Beautiful
Elephant of the Week or Elephants to Adopt / Foster / Sponsor

Pang Suai : Elephant of the Week at Boon Lott’s  Elephant Sanctuary  : Miss Beautiful

Name: Pang Suai Meaning of Name: ‘suai’ in Thai means ‘beautiful’ Gender: Female Age:  Now in her 40s  (” …in her 30s” when she arrived at BLES in 2009.) Personality: “large and strong” Formerly: Logging elephant Hardships Endured:  leg broken completely in two & most likely never medically attended to Where Now: Boon Lott’s Elephant … Continue reading »