My Elephant Life or Extraordinary People Devoting Their Lives to Elephants

Video Moment, A Look Back: BLES Founder Exposes Inherent Cruelty Whilst Sharing Her Vision For an Elephant Sanctuary to Rescue Abused Elephants in Thailand

A vision often becomes a reality, which is true of BLES. But not without a lot of blood, sweat and tears along the way.

Since the founding of Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) (3) in Sukhothai, Thailand in 2007 (6) Katherine Connor has come a long way. She is a survivor and has never given up the fight to help elephants, many times single-handedly; more recently with a supportive team around her.

Today BLES has grown to over 750 acres of forested land (7) providing sanctuary to mistreated/abused begging elephants, logging elephants and other captive Asian elephants giving them the opportunity to heal from traumatic experiences unknown to elephants in the wild.


Images from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch                                                                     FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES

Image: Katherine Connor from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch                                         FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES

Image: Katherine Connor from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch                                       FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES


The following development trailer introduced Katherine Connor’s vision for BLES as she exposed the inherent cruelty that most captive elephants have experienced which, unfortunately, still stands true to this day. 

It is a must watch video for those who love elephants and advocate for them.



“In modern day Thailand true beauty is everywhere”

“True beauty is everywhere”

“True cruelty is everywhere”

“True abuse is everywhere”

“True torture is everywhere”

“True r**e is everywhere”



Katherine Connor founder of Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) in Thailand: 

“She was about to be sold to a force… a breeder who does forced breeding with elephants.”

“Often you will find a mahout will sit under the belly of the female holding

his machete knife and every time she moves he will stab her to stop her from



Katherine Connor asks Dr. Preecha, Co-Founder & Veterinarian FAE:. 

“How many (elephants) would do you think are victims of abuse or neglect?”

Dr Preecha:  All of them.  Did you try to burn your friend to make your friend obey? (They are using fire to burn the elephant. To make the elephant obey.)”


Image: abused elephant painting, notice man has bullhook, from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES

Image: man striking abused performing elephant with bullhook from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch                                            FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES

Image: injured abused elephant missing foot from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch       FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES

Image: limping abused elephants from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch                                FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES



Katherine Connor: “Abuse is everywhere you go.”

Dr Preecha: They have lived in the world long time enough. Now the world is

changing. No place for them.”

“(They have lived in the world for a long time. Now the world is changing. There is no place for 







Source: (1)




“One Woman is Fighting For Change”

“One Elephant at a Time”


Katherine Connor: “One of my goals is to turn BLES into a private National Park. So I want

to buy up thousands and thousands of acres of land, forested land, and protect it and hand it back to its rightful owners, the elephants.”

“BLES The Elephants”

“Coming Soon”


Image: little girl feeding elephant from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch                             FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES


Transcribed from: cc video “B.L.E.S. The Elephants”_development_trailer_H264 2.mp4 “ Julie Pinto CH (1)



SUPPORT Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) (4)

See also: “Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand; Beginnings: A Baby Elephant, the World’s First Elephant Wheelchair & A Visionary Determined to Uphold a Legacy 

Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand; Beginnings: A Baby Elephant, the World’s First Elephant Wheelchair & A Visionary Determined to Uphold a Legacy


Images from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES (1)



(1) cc video “B.L.E.S. The Elephants”_development_trailer_H264 2.mp4 “ Julie Pinto CH (from CC Search Portal ) watch?v=NbZdTG8_0JI 


Dr. Preecha Phuangkum




(6) BLES Facebook!/BLESelephants/





Elephant Spoken Here Facebook  

Elephant Spoken Here twitter now called X @ESHelephants 


Image: Katherine Connor from cc video BLES The Elephants development trailer juliepinto ch                                           FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO BLES

One thought on “Video Moment, A Look Back: BLES Founder Exposes Inherent Cruelty Whilst Sharing Her Vision For an Elephant Sanctuary to Rescue Abused Elephants in Thailand

  1. Pingback: Photo Essay: Visiting BLES and Loving It! – How an Ethical Elephant Sanctuary Welcomes Guests to Thailand | Elephant Spoken Here

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