Artist: Addison
Size: 2.5 X 3.5 ACEO
Medium: Watercolor
Colors: a pale yellow fruitcake baked to a golden brown on the outside, sliced at one end to reveal the delectable green, red, orange and brown fruit and nuts – all against a backdrop of mauve and seafoam blue.
Featuring: A loaf of holiday fruitcake & this one tastes good!
Title: Fruitcake, Original Watercolor Painting by Addison: ACEO Original Foodie Watercolor Painting
About the artist: “Hello, my name is Addison Quirk. I like to place my art in happy homes.
Owning a piece of quirk art will change your luck and make your wildest dreams come true.”
Featured at: ArtPal/Addison

Original Watercolor Painting by Addison © Elephant Spoken Here