What fun, for children of all ages! After making a go of it themselves, in their individual quests to travel and seek adventure in the UK – London, an eclectic mix of animals all work out a way to get “carried about,” well, together! The prose of author Patricia Cleveland Peck is clever and the illustrations of David Tazzyman are just marvelous. Come along for the ride with the elephant, monkey, tiger, seal, centipede, camel, giraffe, whale, pig, hippo, and the ice cream lover that is a bear! Steady yourselves afterwards for only then will there be time for that nice English cup of tea!
Miss Nikki: “Hello and welcome to another session of reading with me, Miss Nikki! Hi! (Waves) So, what story do I have for you today? Drum roll please. Ooh, what’s happening here? (Shows cover of the book) Wow, that doesn’t look right. (laughs) You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus! No, no, no, no, no! And that is the name of the book. You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus! Why not? Shall we find out? This story is written by Patricia Cleveland Peck.”

Image: Full copyright belongs to illustrator David Tazzyman & author Patricia Cleveland-Peck from “You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus”
“You can’t take an elephant on the bus.
It would simply cause a terrible fuss!
Elephants’ bottoms are heavy and fat.
and would certainly squash the seats quite flat.”
“And don’t sit a monkey in a shopping trolly.
For monkeys are naughty and find it jolly
To snatch your shopping and chuck it about.
No, leave monkey at home when you go out.”
“Nor should a tiger travel by train.
Think of the panic. Think of the pain.
Tigers are built to spring and to leap.
Think of the passengers half-asleep.”

Image: Full copyright belongs to illustrator David Tazzyman & author Patricia Cleveland-Peck from “You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus”
“And don’t hail a taxi if the driver’s a seal.
With such slippery flippers he can’t grasp the wheel.
The taxi will slither and probably swerve.
Then throw everyone out at the very next curve.”
“A centipede on roller skates is rather bizarre.
With one hundred feet, he’d go fast and go far.
But to put on his boots would take him an age-
He’d get in a temper. He’d get in a rage.”
“And don’t put a camel in a sailing boat.
It’s far too tricky to keep afloat.
His hump and his feet would, I think,
capsize the vessel and make it sink.”
“A giraffe in an aeroplane wouldn’t be right.
The roof of a plane just hasn’t the height.
With legs and a neck so bony and long.
A giraffe on a plane would simply be wrong.”
“And don’t ask a whale to ride a bike.
Just imagine what it would be like –
Without a bottom to sit on the seat.
And how would he pedal without any feet?”

Image: Full copyright belongs to illustrator David Tazzyman & author Patricia Cleveland-Peck from “You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus”
“A pig on a skateboard Another mistake
He’d be too heavy. It’d probably break.
Or his trotters would totter. Unable to grip.
And up-and-over the skateboard would flip.”
“Oh, and I wouldn’t put a hippo in a hot air balloon.
The basket’s too small. There wouldn’t be room.
And if it did fly, withe hippo’s great weight.
It would come crashing down in a terrible state.”
“And never let a bear near an ice cream van.
Bears gobble up ice cream as fast as they can.
And if they’re stopped they get annoyed.
And an angry bear is one best to avoid.”
“Then how can we travel?, the animals shout
How can we animals get carried about?
What’s the best vehicle? We haven’t a clue.
Well, I‘ve got an idea. How about you?”
“Yes, animals on roller coasters are good for a laugh.
There’s room for everyone, even giraffe.
So it’s goodbye to skateboards, balloons and THAT bus.
For we now have a conveyance that suits ALL OF US!”
Source (1)
Miss Nikki: “That was fun. What is the best way to get about for you? Hmmm. I’d fly! (Laughs) I hope you enjoyed that one. Until next time. Bye!” (Waves)

Image: Full copyright belongs to illustrator David Tazzyman & author Patricia Cleveland-Peck from “You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus”
Transcribed from cc video “Why you cant take an elephant on the bus! Reading with Miss Nikki” (1)
Images: FULL COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO ILLUSTRATOR DAVID TAZZYMAN & AUTHOR PATRICIA CLEVELAND-PECK from cc video “Why you cant take an elephant on the bus! Reading with Miss Nikki” (1)
(1) https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=aflfPNqBSsE
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Image: Full copyright belongs to illustrator David Tazzyman & author Patricia Cleveland-Peck from “You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus”