There is still time to take part in the #RetetiRun and to show your support for our elephants. The #RetetiRun runs through Sunday 11 June 2023. Assemble your herd (team!) and join in the fun. You will feel so good inside.
You don’t have to go far. It’s your spirit that counts. Team Elephant Spoken Here, Savannah & Silas, walked one mile and three miles respectively.
Oh, and don’t forget to share your photos at #RetetiRun. Would love to hear your comments here at as well!
For details see also: Show Your Support for Our Elephants!: Reteti Elephant Sanctuary Launches #RetetiRun & You Can Walk or Run Anywhere June 5- 11 2023

elephant image Team Elephant Spoken Here Participating in the #RetetiRun, Silas © Elephant Spoken Here
Support Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (4)
Images: Team Elephant Spoken Here Savannah # 1094 & Silas # 1095 walk for the #RetetiRun, full copyright belongs to Elephant Spoken Here

Image: Team Elephant Spoken Here Participating in the #RetetiRun Savannah # 1094 © Elephant Spoken Here
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Pingback: Team Elephant Spoken Here So Enjoyed Their Experience With the #RetetiRun & the Certificates of Participation Are a Cool Reminder of That Special Day, in the USA! | Elephant Spoken Here