“Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued”
Tom Oliver, Elephant Ambassador: “Now this is the lovely Kabu. Kabu has been here at the Elephant Nature Park (2) since September 2015.”

Image: from cc video by ENP ‘Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued’ (1) Tom Oliver has a treat for Kabu

Image: from cc video by ENP ‘Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued’ (1) Tom Oliver strokes Kabu as he feeds her
“When she was a bub she had to accompany her mother who was forced to work in the illegal logging trade.”
“And when Kabu was two years old there was an accident. A log rolled, crashed into this two-year-old elephant and it broke the left foreleg.”
“It did not heal very well and she became badly handicapped. Even then they still used her in the illegal logging trade.”

Image: from CC Video by ENP ‘Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued’ (1), animation shows Kabu being struck by log leaving her maimed, in her life as a logging elephant aged two

Image: from CC Video by ENP ‘Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued’ (1), animation shows Kabu in her life as a logging elephant aged two, even after the baby elephant was injured
“But, thank goodness, she was rescued by the Elephant Nature Park in 2015.”
“She loved sitting under this tree which is a big… And spends her day now just eating, eating, and, you guessed it, more eating!”
“You know sitting here or standing here under her favorite tree… the river is just over… the hump over there… this is so relaxing (Tom says as he as he gently strokes the elephant’s trunk) for me and for her. So she tells me.” (laughs)
“ ’Do you want to go for a bath? Eh. (Tom asks Kabu) Right? ‘Come on, come on. Come on, let us go… for a bath.’ ” (Man and beast head off and Kabu goes into the river for a relaxing session to cool down)
“So this is Kabu’s life today and hopefully she will accept other logging elephants to form their own herd.” (Kabu standing chest high in the soothing flowing water of the river)
How You Can Help Elephant Nature Park (3)

Image: from cc video by ENP ‘Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued’. (1) Kabu at Elephant Nature Park sanctuary
Source (1)
Images & transcribed from: Creative Common Video by ElephantNews (ENP)
“Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued” (1) full copyright belongs to Elephant Nature Park (ENP)
(1) “Kabu Elephant’s Life One Year After Rescued” https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Z1xiEMt48U0
(2) Elephant Nature Park https://www.elephantnaturepark.org
(3) https://www.elephantnaturepark.org/how-you-can-help/
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