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Meet Little Ele Khanyisa the Brave, Rescued By HERD Elephant Orphanage, South Africa: A More Action, Less Talk Video!

If you don’t know orphaned baby elephant Khanyisa who was rescued following an appalling snaring incident we’d like to introduce her to you now. This is a look back to February 2020 on this less talk, more action cc video from HERD, starring Khanyisa the Brave*, the rare albino elephant who was just over four months old at the time. 

She plays in her cement pond (‘garden pool’), while her human carers dote on her and all the while she concentrates intently on scratching her feet, her trunk, the side of her head.

Who says a well-muddied pink baby elephant has to stand still for a change to a clean dry, blankie (from a green blanket to a blue with white stripes)! Watch all the way through to the end, you won’t want to miss the action!




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Source and images from: CC Video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa, full copyright remains with HERD                                  /watch?v=rbxDbVFP8gQ




*Khanyisa the Brave because she has the spirit of a survivor.


image from cc video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD

image from cc video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD

image from cc video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD

image from cc video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD

Image from cc video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD

Image from cc video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD



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image from cc video ‘Cute Unseen Footage of Baby Albino Elephant Orphan, Khanyisa & Her Blanket Change!’ By HERD

3 thoughts on “Meet Little Ele Khanyisa the Brave, Rescued By HERD Elephant Orphanage, South Africa: A More Action, Less Talk Video!

  1. Pingback: KHANYISA: Elephant of the Week at HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa: ‘Sunshine’: Part 2 | Elephant Spoken Here

  2. Pingback: KHANYISA: Elephant of the Week at HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa: ‘Sunshine’: Part 1 | Elephant Spoken Here

  3. Pingback: The Amazing African elephant, A Lesson on Video: How Hairy is an Elephant? More So Than One Might Think as Guide From HERD Elephant Orphange in South Africa Explains! : Part 2 | Elephant Spoken Here

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