Elephant Spoken Here wishes World Elephant Day a Happy 10th Anniversary.
This is a day (August 12th *) to highlight elephant conservation, and to recognize those who devote time and energy as elephant advocates, elephant activists and elephant experts who give voice to animals who are unable to speak for themselves. And to never forget that our efforts can never stop as long as our elephants are threatened in the wild or suffering in captivity. It is up to US to do our part to help save elephants.
For that reason ESH would like to continue our appeal to help our elephants, Lucy, Billy & Mundi , who are trapped in zoos in North America and Puerto Rico. Please share their stories…
Free the Wild has come forward to help our Lucy the elephant (Billy the elephant at the L.A. Zoo, #FreeBilly & Mundi the zoo elephant in Puerto Rico, #FreeMundi, are also included in their project roster). #FreetheWild now joins Jane Goodall and others who support her release from the Canadian Zoo.
See Elephant Spoken Here for more Lucy news.
See also: Countdown to World Elephant Day 2021 With Lucy-Centric Elevents For Our Lucy the Elephant in Canada
Mundi’s move to Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA) in Georgia had been confirmed by ERNA in September 2018 as they (Carol Buckley, President of Elephant Aid International) were under contract with a government body of Puerto Rico.
Yet in Dec 2018 ERNA received a letter from the Government of Puerto Rico that rescinded their offer to send Mundi to ERNA “effective immediately” as, in their opinion, the elephant sanctuary was not ready to receive the elephant Mundi as they were still under stages of construction.
So, to this day, Mundi remains trapped within the compound of the Dr. Juan A. Rivero Zoo in Puerto Rico, which was closed* to the public in 2017 following Hurricane Maria. That is why we are urgently appealing for her release once again.
* Joyce Poole, PhD, of Elephant Voices has been in support of Billy’s move to a sanctuary since 2008: “We strongly hope the LA County Council will decide to close the exhibit and send Billy to a sanctuary. An urban zoo cannot offer the space necessary for a such a large, active, social, and intelligent animal as the elephant.”
Read: Joyce Poole’s full statement RE Billy in the LA Zoo
Share our message, for our elephants, found on Elephant Spoken Here
*Happy Sixth Birthday Elephant Spoken Here!
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* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Juan_A._Rivero_Zoo
Images: CC Flickr by sciencesque Lucy the zoo elephant Edmonton Canada B&W 2009 Is That All There Is…; by Slices of Light, Billy the elephant in front of pool LA Zoo ; by damiandude, Mundi Puerto Rico zoo elephant; WED banners; from CC video Friends of Lucy, Lucy the elephant, Edmonton Zoo Canada Feb 2015

from CC video Friends of Lucy, Lucy the elephant, Edmonton Zoo Canada Feb 2015, Notice keeper with bullhook in hand

from CC video Friends of Lucy, Lucy the elephant, Edmonton Zoo Canada Feb 2015, Notice keeper with bullhook in hand
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