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Delightful Video: Make Your Day-O, Is This Baby Elephant Really Throwing a Tantrum or Just Enjoying the Calypso Song Like the Rest of Us?

Sometimes all you need to brighten your day is a baby elephant video.

This little African elephant seems to be getting in a really good scratch and then, as she rolls to the ground, a good kick of her legs in the air as she then tumbles off the edge of the grass at the side of the road. But as baby continues to dawdle about on the ground, and with mama elephant having just passed by, the baby elephant’s carryings on could be taken for a tantrum as the baby seems to be in no hurry to join her herd even as a second elephant walks by, oblivious to the little elephant’s antics.

Make your Day O with this baby elephant and Harry Belafonte’s calypso beat!



Image: CC Flickr: photo by Tom Simpson, Goliath II Bill Peet artist, little elephant tugging daisy

CC video “Baby elephant throwing a tantrum


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Image: CC Flickr: Baby elephant tugging at flower painting Goliath II by Bill Peet , photo by Tom Simpson


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