How many elephants does it take to lift a baby elephant over a concrete barrier placed alongside a road?
Just one actually and it was a snap for the Mama elephant who gently takes her trunk and scoops her baby up and over after the elephant calf was unable to make the climb on her own. And what a climb it was, for the barrier was just over one baby elephant tall thus the little elephant’s struggle.
With locals stopped in their vehicles to give the elephant family an undisturbed moment to cross the road, they observe, as one elephant and then the next, makes it over a protective roadside barrier. But it is the tiniest elephant that catches their eye, and the moment her mama attended to her anxious baby as if to reassure her and say “I would never leave you behind” And with that they are off!
Watch Daily Mail YouTube video “Mother elephant helps baby jump over barrier to join rest of family”
As one commenter on the Daily Mail, “Mustafa Leak …UK,” shared:
“bless, every elephant is precious”

Image: Mama elephant helps her baby over a roadside barrier, full copyright belongs to Newslions Media at The Daily Mail
Resource: “Jumbo effort! Mother elephant gives her calf a helpful shove as it struggles to climb over roadside barrier” By GEORGIA SIMCOX FOR DAILY MAIL ONLINE
Image: Mama elephant helps her baby over a roadside barrier, full copyright belongs to Newslions Media at The Daily Mail