As humans, as we find ourselves facing situations we don’t understand or dissimilar from those we had yet to encounter, (such as the COVID-19 outbreak that is sweeping the globe right now) and discover that the routines we found comfort in are no longer possible, it can seem quite disconcerting and bleak. We may seek wisdom in many ways (from authorities and such) but have we ever thought that we can look to elephants as our guides in how to carry on/behave?
Yes, elephants can serve as our touchstones during difficult (and even not so difficult) times.
Elephant families / elephant herds look after one another, have strength of character to endure their hardships and never fail to communicate, even from long distances when they are away.
Elephants Never Forget. They never forget their friendships. And though they never forget their sufferings (life is never without suffering), they never ever forget a kindness (from humans or each other) as well.
If humans were more like elephants just how much better could this world get? Not much.

Image: CCFlickr by Christopher Michel, ‘I Feel Better Already,’ African baby elephant sitting up, ears back, Kenya
And when this world comes back to a more normal existence may our touchstones continue to be elephants. For our elephants can continue to be with you every step of the way.
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Kahlil Gibran
Image: CCFlickr: by HeatherBradleyPhotography Elephant Family, Looking at You (Kruger National Park); by Christopher Michel, ‘I Feel Better Already,’ African baby elephant sitting up, ears back, Kenya