Elephant of the Week or Elephants to Adopt / Foster / Sponsor

TELEKI : Elephant of the Week at Sheldrick Wildlife Trust : Into the Wild : Part 2


FB 06022017 “By early 2017, Orwa (Teleki’s longtime friend) was displaying signs that he was ready to return to the wild, spending more and more time with the ex-orphans and choosing to have ‘wild sleepovers’. In April 2017, he (Orwa) found the confidence to become fully independent and along with Bongo and Vuria, Teleki, Bomani and Vuria,this nascent independent herd struck out on their own.”


FB 02212017 “It might not look like a delicate act of gardening, but Teleki  is a born horticulturalist! In fact, though it seems like destructive behaviour, pushing down trees, stirring up soils and tearing up grasses is actually ecosystem engineering and allows other animals to survive.

At almost six years of age, Teleki is still dependent on our care at our Ithumba Reintegration Unit. When he’s not feeding and being a gardener of Africa, he can also be found dust bathing and enjoying pushing games.”


Keepers’ Diaries, October 2014:  Ithumba Reintegration Unit

“The orphans at Ithumba are broken down into a number of groups, the dependent milk dependent orphans…Teleki…   These orphans need their milk daily, their Keepers and head home to the safety of their night stockades each evening.”

“On the way to the mud bath, Bongo led the way, but was overtaken by Teleki who had a chewing stick in his mouth. When the orphans arrived at the mudbath they were greeted by a sight of 70 ex-orphans and wild elephants. ”


Keepers’ Diaries, July 2014:  Ithumba Reintegration Unit

“Garzi, Teleki and Orwa have wanted to greet bulls at the mud hole or in the stockade but are quite unsure and often just stand in awe watching them.”

Teleki and Orwa have remained good friends after spending so many years at the Nairobi nursery together and they can often been found walking side by side as they searched for vegetation. If Teleki isn’t browsing or playing with Orwa he is often feeding with Vuria…  Kainuk has also started making friends with Teleki and they have on occasion separated to browse away from the others.”


FB 06022017  “In 2014, Orwa graduated to our Ithumba Reintegration Unit with Bomani and Teleki – his future wild herd mates!”


FB 06142014 “Bomani, Orwa and Teleki were the first three to graduate to Ithumba… Their graduation to Ithumba marked the next stage in their rehabilitation back to the wild, which could take another 5 years, as each elephant chooses when he or she is ready to begin their wild life. ”


On Wednesday 28 May 2014 BOMANI, ORWA and TELEKI MOVE TO ITHUMBA  “The three little bulls will remain keeper-dependent for some time to come, and during that time they will slowly be weaned off their milk and will eventually mix with the wild elephants” (text from video)


FB 09012013Teleki leads a group of the Nursery elephants on route to the mud wallow.”

FB 05252013 “Bomani and Teleki having fun in the dirt”

FB 04082013Teleki and Ishaq-B (female) lead the nursery orphans back to their stables after the day out in the Park.”

FB 02012013 …”‘Teleki has been thriving in our care’ since his rescue.”


FB 01132013 ” Arriving within one month of each other at the Nursery, Teleki and Narok now patiently await their milk feed!”

FB 09112012    “Orphaned elephant Teleki, who was rescued on Saturday finally started feeding on milk yesterday! This is a positive sign, however the wound between his shoulder blades, inflicted by a spear, is causing him great discomfort, and he is very bloated. We are monitoring his condition extremely closely and ensuring that he has everything he might need. This first week will be a critical time for Teleki…”


More Updates on Teleki


Image: CC Flickr by John Fortonge: Teleki Valley flora near Mount Kenya Africa area where Teleki the elephant was rescued



Watch YouTube Video:  “The rescue of Teleki


Watch YouTube Video:  “Baby orphan elephant Teleki arrived at David Sheldrick Wildlife orphanage”  This video was taken by Belinda ML just hours after Teleki had arrived at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Notice how Teleki, as elephant calf in 2012, still had his “fuzz…the biological blanket”  that baby elephants can develop, especially in the “chillier Mount Kenya area” where Teleki was rescued from.  Adorable, hairy baby bull elephant! (source: SWT FB post of 10312017)




See Teleki’s Latest Photos at SWT

Images:  CC Flickr: Into the wild  Illustration Elephant Drawing by Biswajit Das Kunst; Teleki Valley flora near Mount Kenya Africa area where Teleki the elephant was rescued by John Forlonge


David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust  YouTube Channel dswtkenya

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Image: CC Flickr Illustration Elephant Drawing by Biswajit Das Kunst

One thought on “TELEKI : Elephant of the Week at Sheldrick Wildlife Trust : Into the Wild : Part 2

  1. Pingback: TELEKI : Elephant of the Week at Sheldrick Wildlife Trust : Into the Wild : Part 1 | Elephant Spoken Here

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