Ongoing Medical Treatment: This baby bull elephant will have a long road of rehabilitation ahead of him. (“How he was going to heal from such severe injuries remained unknown, as any possibility of pinning the leg was not possible given the extent of override of the bone and contraction of the muscles.“)
Luggard will continue to receive daily wound care, “intensive medication” not only for his pain but also for the infection that remains, persistent. And don’t think that his “required on-demand feedings of a special milk formula” aren’t used to his advantage just a little bit!
Now, if the DSWT medical teams’ “resolve” to save “Lucky Luggard“ remains as strong as this sweet elephant’s determination to live then his future looks more than bright.

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
(Prognosis: As the little elephant’s ability to bear weight on his broken leg remains promising his healing remains promising as well. There is a calcified area forming “around his knee” which will affect his ease of movement i.e. walking ( one leg will be forever “shorter than the other”) and the “bulbous knee joint from the extensive calcification” will remain unchanged.
However, the spirit that exists deep within his little elephant soul will take hold of Luggard’s future, the rest of his elephant life.
How Baby Elephant is Adjusting to New Elephant Family at DSWT: Early into his convalescence at the DSWT the baby bull “became increasingly distressed at being incarcerated in a stockade. He missed the other orphans enormously when they headed out into the forest to browse each morning so Angela (Sheldrick) made the decision to let him join them, mindful that his happiness was the most important ingredient towards complete and ultimate healing.”
And later as Luggard became stronger (“his foot injury healed completely”) he became more adamant about “joining the main orphan herd” (not just the Nursery Babies) as they were more adventurous in their walks, “heading out further afield each day”. Luggard has embraced his new elephant family, “determined to be an enthusiastic part of” their lives from sunup to sundown.
“David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Nairobi Orphanage elephants return to their stables for the evening”
DSWT Baby Elephants including little Luggard announced at 38 seconds into video Back to Stockades
Baby Elephant’s Personality Traits: “…all who met him marveled at his determination and feisty spirit, as despite his injury, his pain, and the incomprehensible reason one so young would be targeted this way, how in the face of such suffering, such loss, he remained so positive was inspiring.”
Baby Elephant’s Favorite Things: “He savoured his freedom from the outset, and did not let his broken leg hamper his activities, as he loved to revel in the soft damp grass after a rain shower, splashing in muddy wallows, or rolling in the cool damp earth.”
Baby Elephant’s New Friends: Luggard is a very social little elephant. “A firm favourite of orphans Tamiyoi and Jotto…”
His Keeper’s Diary includes updates on Luggard and his other sweet elephant friends. Search “Luggard” from the Keeper’s Dairies Page

Note: All quotes in this 2 part article are from baby bull elephant Luggard’s orphan profile unless otherwise linked.
Twitter video clip : “Art of milk theft – orphant (sic) #elephant Luggard demonstrates how it’s done.“
Instagram photo 12 Sept 2019 Luggard’s ears blowing above his head
Facebook @SheldrickTrust UPDATES on Luggard
21 September 2018 “Loving Luggard out exploring with new rescue Merru…”
20 July 2018 “Brave, strong, loving and gentle. These are all words that describe orphan elephant Luggard…”
12 September 2016 It seems little Luggard has held a special place in the hearts of his Keepers for quite some time as they have “struggled to heal this little chap” (from his bullet wounds) to give him the chance to walk again. This sweet bull elephant is “a true hero” in their eyes.
9 November 2016 “Thanks to our intensive veterinary care and his warrior’s spirit, Luggard has made good progress. Hugely energetic he loves mud baths and wallows at length like a hippo unaided!…”
14 September 2018 Luggard and Musiara, fellow baby bull elephant, have been “best pals” for quite some time now.
24 May 2019 Faithful friend Jotto still keeps a watchful eye out for Luggard to this day.
11 March 2017 “One of the bigger boys at the orphanage,” Murit, loves to wrestle with his buddy Luggard but the “caring young bull” understands that he must be gentle in his play.
15 August 2017 Watch the Video on this DSWT Facebook post. “The morning milk rush! The orphaned elephants at our Nursery in Nairobi are fed a specialized formula milk every three hours and each get through some 24 litres of milk a day. There is always one that wants more though…this time its (sic) Luggard!”
15 December 2016 First day Luggard was added to the (DSWT) Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’s fostering program!
17 September 2017 Luggard loving his mud bath with orphans Malima & Esampu
12 January 2018 Taking a slow walk with Musiara, just the way they like it.
27 August 2018 “…Luggard is a happy little #elephant through and through…”
5 October 2016 Nothing like a mud bath to beat the heat in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. …And it seems everyone is keen to get involved, including sweet and playful Luggard…”
Credit: Luggard with UNEP officials ; video with little Luggard by Regina Hart
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