Elephants are not alone in their struggle to survive. That is why Earth Day has chosen “Protect Our Species” as the theme for their 2019 global campaign.

If we care deeply about protecting our elephants on this Earth Day, & every day in between, elephant advocates should:
“Join the movement to stop the ivory trade…”
“Speak up against trophy hunting…”
“Protect elephants from entertainment…”
“Practice sustainable tourism…”

Learn more about elephants , their uniqueness , the biggest threats to their survival, & why we should protect the species on the Earth Day website
#EarthDay elephants
Earth Day Network facebook
Earth Day Twitter
Elephant Spoken Here facebook
Watch YouTube video “Earth Day – The Last Elephants Part 1”
Watch YouTube video “Earth Day: Colin Bell – The Last Elephants Part 2”

Images: CC Flickr: B&W 2 African savannah elephants by Marie Sahlen; 3 African elephants one behind by Stalderth