A captivating and unique occurrence takes place on the Uganda Kenya border involving elephants. At Kitum Cave, “one of five named ‘elephant caves‘ of Mount Elgon” elephants have, “for centuries,” been discovered deep inside.
On a mission, they work hard, scratching the walls of the cave with their tusks (“tusk art“) effectively “mining” the salt they so love and for which they venture so deep into dark & treacherous territory to savor.
(Watch vimeo video “Elephant Cave – The Salt-mining Elephants of Elgon“)

CC Flickr by LaertesCTB : similar African elephant herd
Aside from the darkness inside, the elephants face danger from their escapade; possible death from “deep crevasses” that little elephants have been known to fall into & the existence of possible poachers who could be lying in wait for them on the way out. It is not named “Poachers’ Rock” for no reason.

CC Flickr by datakid musicman : dark cave in Africa
Lead by their Matriarch these “cave elephants” are following not only a centuries old tradition but a leader who will go to any extreme to keep her elephant family safe. Their rumblings, a constant communication among the elephant herd, lets each elephant know that it’s time to carry on, making their way through the darkness of the cave.
Until the next time when the adventure starts all over again. Will the elephants’ craving for the ultimate “salt lick” leave them, again, unscathed?
Watch vimeo video “Elephant Cave – The Salt-mining Elephants of Elgon”
Resource: “Africa’s jumbo hike! Joining a four-day trek to find Uganda’s CAVE elephants – and they are worth every step” by Caroline Phillips for The Daily Mail
Images: CCFlickr: Kitum Cave sign & dark cave in Africa by datakid musicman, similar African elephant herd by LaertesCTE

CC Flickr by datakid musicman : sign on Kitum Cave in Africa “frequented by elephants”.