For this seventh annual World Elephant Day there is still time to join in on the ‘Elevents’ taking place in cities and towns and villages around the world to help save our African & Asian Elephants. And two special events are being hosted for Lucy the zoo elephant who has not been forgotten by elephant activists but who continues to suffer through the unforgiving winters of Canada (for elephants, anyway) nonetheless. Thank you, ‘Lucy the elephant’ elephant activists and all elephant advocates & elephant activists who serve as the voices for our elephants on this World Elephant Day.
- In Toronto Ontario Canada “Giant Melting Ice Elephant Unveiled” This Amarula Elephant display is bringing attention to the plight of African Elephants who “are being killed for their ivory” at an “alarming rate”.
- In Sen Monorom, Mondulkiri, Cambodia The Elephant Valley Project “World Elephant Day Fundraising Challenge – RIDE A BIKE NOT AN ELEPHANT!” “Spread the word, sponsor us, or come and have a go on the bike!”
- In Victoria BC Canada “An Evening With Elephants” at the Robert Bateman Centre “a special presentation by World Elephant Day Co-Founder Patricia Sims…& the award winning documentary ‘Return to the Forest'” is SOLD OUT
- In Edmonton, Alberta Canada there will be a “special screening of Born to Be Wild“
- In Hoedspruit, Limpopo an Elephants Alive Event “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” *** This event will take place on Saturday, 18 August 2018***
- “In an area of northern Botswana roughly the size of Yellowstone National Park, 15,000 elephants compete with 15,000 people for access to water, food, and land.” This is the Coexist Project’s “Challenge” On 12 August 2018 a Community Theatre Event “Life With Elephants”
- The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee will host “its Third Annual World Elephant Day Celebration on Saturday 11 August 2018″
- In Georgia USA the “Build the Barn Campaign Continues – Next Goal $50k by World Elephant Day” Elephant Aid International needs this elephant barn at their Elephant Refuge of North America (ERNA) to accommodate their first elephant, Mundi, who is patiently waiting. Read more about Mundi’s story at (“Help Bring Mundi the Zoo Elephant From Hurricane-Ravaged Puerto Rico to the New Home Waiting For Her at Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA) in Georgia“)
- In Belgium “Elephant Happy Hour Live!” Stand Up 4 Elephants whose organization helps “the captive Asian Elephants of Nepal” live better elephant lives in “better living conditions”
- In New Bedford, MA “Love & Bananas Screening“
- In Tokyo, Japan “Elephant Talk by Elephant paper’s Ms. Nakamura and with Japan Tiger and Elephant Fund Booth at Ueno Zoological Park”
- In Gilbert, AZ Join Elephantopia “Painting With a Purpose for World Elephant Day“
- In Germany “Zoo Leipzig celebrates World Elephant Day – auction of real elephant footprint“
- In Houston “Elephantopia‘s Screening of a Herd of Orphans and Fundraiser“
- In Memphis, Tennessee World Elephant Day for Lucy (in Edmonton Valley Zoo in Edmonton Alberta Canada) and Other Elephants in Need“
- In Canada “August 12th World Elephant Day Demonstration for Lucy” by Lucy’s Edmonton Advocates Project (LEAP)

Image: CC Flicker by mastermaq: Lucy the elephant in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Zoo
***Thailand Elephants held a screening of When Elephants Were Young in Bristol on 28 June 2018***
Elephantopia is hosting events in Houston TX; AZ & VA
World Elephant Day Facebook @worldelephantday
Elephant Spoken Here Facebook page
Donate to reputable charities endorsed by World Elephant Day
Images: world elephant day & CC Flickr: Lucy the elephant in Canada
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