Watch the tiny male elephant stumbling happily (& confidently!) alongside his ambling Mother as they, and their elephant herd, cross a muddy river in Kruger National Park. What the elephant calf doesn’t expect is his need of his mama’s assistance to make it up the slippery riverbank!
With some rumbles of encouragement and with the gentle nudge of her trunk to her baby elephant’s backside the mother elephant calmly saves the day.
It’s what mother elephants do!

Image: The Daily Mail © NewsFlare: Baby Elephant Needs Mama to Make it Up Riverbank
Watch video here: “Love trunks all! Caring mother elephant helps her struggling baby up a slippery river bank to safety in South Africa” by Alex Green for MailOnline ,The Daily Mail
Image: Daily Mail © NewsFlare: Baby Elephant Needs Mama to Make it Up Riverbank