Packy is a beloved elephant who has spent his entire life in the Oregon Zoo (he was hailed as the “first elephant born in the Western hemisphere in 44 years”; that truth humans can agree on.
What we fail to agree upon, however, is just why humans are allowed to profit off of the backs of our elephants holding them to suffer in captivity, sans the ability to freely roam as the species was instinctively born to do. Elephants in the wild are “active for 18 hours per day, foraging for fresh vegetation, playing, bathing in rivers, and travelling as far as 30 miles a day”.
Our elephant Packy has never known life as an elephant. He was born in captivity. He will turn 54 on Thursday 14 April 2016, his actual birthdate. (The rally is held on Saturday 16 April 2016)

Packy and his “birthday cake” at the Elephantastic zoo fest in 2007
Image: CC Flickr
This is the first year the Oregon Zoo has yet to announce a planned celebration, a zoo fest they call Elephantastic, (please don’t think these occasions are anywhere near as fantastic for the elephants who are held captive) for the Asian elephant. It can only be because of Packy’s ill health.**
**Since Packy tested positive for TB in December of 2013 at least 7 staff members have since become infected with the respiratory disease. Two other elephants; Rama ( Packy’s son) positive in 5/2013 ; and Tusco, (who joined the elephant herd in 2005 on a breeding loan ), positive in 6/2014, have since been put down; unrelated to the TB, zoo officials have said.

Our elephant Packy (here in 2006) at the Oregon Zoo in Portland needs our help Image: CC Flickr
But this year can be the start of something big for Packy and all of the other elephants at the Oregon Zoo in Portland, OR USA if a group of elephant activists have their way (it’s the only way if you are have gathered the facts, have an ounce of common sense and compassion for our elephants, that is).
All of those in the Portland, Oregon area and those elephant philanthropists / activists in other areas who have the means to offer their support for our elephant Packy please get in touch with FREE OREGON ZOO ELEPHANTS and show that you care.
This could be Packy the elephant’s best birthday yet. The Oregon Zoo in Portland, can do what is right and make the decision to release him to a sanctuary where he can continue to heal his weary body for the number of years he has left.

Baby Packy and his Mama Belle
Image: CC Flickr
Packy has given so much to Oregonians, and those all over the world even, who profess their love for elephants.
Let us give Packy a taste of what it is like to be an elephant, with the space to roam in a place where he can experience the closest thing to being in the wild.
Packy deserves this so much.
And after Packy we won’t forget our other elephants in the Oregon Zoo (Rose-Tu, Chendra, Samudra, Lily and Shine).
But Packy first; we have to start with Packy.

Packy shown here, on the left, at the Oregon Zoo Image: CC Flickr
For more information see:
Facebook Rally for Packy’s Birthday page
FOZE Rally for Packy’s 54th Birthday
FOZE YouTube video “Rally For Packy’s 54th Birthday April 2016”
Video Oregon Zoo Workers Contracted TB From Elephants ( see the elephants )
Pingback: Remembering Our Sweet Packy : 14 April 1962 – 9 February 2017 : What You Knew & What You Never Knew About Packy the Elephant Who Was Euthanized at The Oregon Zoo, Age 54 | Elephant Spoken Here
Pingback: Remembering Our Sweet Packy : 14 April 1962 – 9 February 2017 : Dear Packy … May Your Death Not Be in Vain… | Elephant Spoken Here