Rally Set For Saturday 18 May 2019 at the Los Angeles Zoo to Free Billy the Elephant & as a GMFER USA Event
Stampede For Elephants or Elephant Activist Events & Charity Fundraisers

Rally Set For Saturday 18 May 2019 at the Los Angeles Zoo to Free Billy the Elephant & as a GMFER USA Event

Once again Elephant Guardians of LA have organized a grand event to coincide not only with #GMFER2019 but as a Rally to Free Billy the Elephant to a proper elephant sanctuary. What: Free Billy the Elephant Rally & Global March For Elephants and Rhinos (GMFER) Event When: Saturday 18 May 2019 from 10AM to NOON … Continue reading »

Free Billy the Elephant from the “Not Happy Place” For Elephants, the LA Zoo : How Much Longer Must This Distressed Elephant Wait? : Part 2
AbZOOlutely Not** or The Controversy of Zoos & Others Keeping Elephants in Captivity

Free Billy the Elephant from the “Not Happy Place” For Elephants, the LA Zoo : How Much Longer Must This Distressed Elephant Wait? : Part 2

Dr. Poole, in her letter of support, reflects on the angst experienced by captive elephants and how Billy’s “stereotypic head bobbing … not a behavior observed in the wild … is a coping mechanism for the loneliness, boredom and frustration that characterizes his life in the zoo. His behavior is symptomatic of the enormous frustration … Continue reading »

Free Billy the Elephant From the “Not Happy Place” For Elephants, the LA Zoo : How Much Longer Must This Distressed Elephant Have to Wait? : Part 1
AbZOOlutely Not** or The Controversy of Zoos & Others Keeping Elephants in Captivity

Free Billy the Elephant From the “Not Happy Place” For Elephants, the LA Zoo : How Much Longer Must This Distressed Elephant Have to Wait? : Part 1

Since the age of four, when he was dragged away from his mother and elephant family in Malaysia, Billy has been held in captivity at the Los Angeles Zoo. That he has been able to survive, for endless years of his life, both physically and emotionally, is beyond what any elephant should have to endure. … Continue reading »