A Zoo Elephant’s Road to Freedom, A Look Back: Part 5: Kaavan is Finally Home
AbZOOlutely Not** or The Controversy of Zoos & Others Keeping Elephants in Captivity

A Zoo Elephant’s Road to Freedom, A Look Back: Part 5: Kaavan is Finally Home

There is no better feeling in the world than to witness the best of humanity and the rescue of a zoo elephant. Dr. Amir Khalil, kindness radiates from your soul to the soul of that elephant, our elephant Kaavan. This is Dr. Khalil’s interview with TRT World Now, as Kaavan is finally home. TRT World … Continue reading »

Animal Activists Initiate Petition to Save Dumbo the Performing Baby Elephant From a Lifetime of Misery at a Zoo in Thailand
Stand By Your Elephant or Petitions / Initiatives / Legislation Intended to Protect Our Elephants

Animal Activists Initiate Petition to Save Dumbo the Performing Baby Elephant From a Lifetime of Misery at a Zoo in Thailand

The sign placed inside the arena states “…Welcome to the Phuket Zoo Elephant Show”…    The overzealous crowds have gathered on this day to watch an unnatural and cruel phenomenon, that of elephants being forced to perform elephant tricks in an outmoded, and should be outlawed, elephant show. Into the arena pedals Dumbo struggling to … Continue reading »