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Video Moment, A Look Back: Attention Grabbing IFAW PSA Still Drives the Message Home Using an “Elephant” in the Role of a Jumbo Jet Coming in For A Rough Landing

A vintage International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) ad campaign / Public Service Announcement still sends a valid message home when it comes to animal welfare and that is that wild animal products or any parts of a wild animal (such as the skin or tusks of an elephant) should never be purchased by those on holiday/vacation as a keepsake or souvenir of their travels. 


“If they wanted to come they would. Animals are not souvenirs.” (1)




If one could picture an “elephant” coming in for a landing at an international airport, akin to a jumbo jet, this just might be it. Only real elephants do not fly, of course. But the reality is that wild animals continue to be killed to satisfy the human hunger for trinkets or fashion that is no longer fashionable to have. 




If you are a tourist in a foreign land or even in your own hometown, think about the animals (elephants) that were sacrificed before you make that exotic purchase. 

Just don’t do it.

You will have helped to save an elephant’s life.

Our elephants thank you for this.



Source (1)



Images from c c video “IFAW Germany Amazing Jumbo Elephant Landing” by cuadas18 (1)



(1) “IFAW Germany Amazing Jumbo Elephant Landing” by cuadas18 watch?v=KH4F5efSlaE



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