In the port town (3) of Dikson, the ‘northernmost settlement’ in Russia, lived a little polar bear named Monetochka. She found herself in serious trouble when an empty tin of condensed milk became stuck in her mouth as the ‘lid clamped down on her tongue’. She had become emaciated as she was unable to eat or drink.
Against her natural instincts she knew that she had to ask humans for help in order to live. So that is what Monetochka the polar bear did.
She approached houses in the settlement. One man tried to pull the tin off of her tongue. But it was wedged so awkwardly, with the sharp lid tightening its grip on her tongue as one pulled on the tin, that the man had no choice but to send her away.
But rescuers and veterinarians were notified and flown in from Moscow (a distance of 2125 miles). Even a splendiferous rainbow appeared in the sky as the team of men were enroute in the helicopter.
The vets were able to sedate the two year old cub, remove the tin with pliers and treat her with antibiotics & other ‘anti-inflammatory medications’.
The rescuers then relocated the female cub back home to the tundra some 50 miles away from Dikson. When Monetochka awoke she would find herself surrounded by 110 lbs. of her favorite fish snack.
There is a happy ending for the Russian polar bear Monetochka. There is a problem that remains, though. What is leading wild animals to garbage dumps to scavenge for food in the first place? This is the issue that must be resolved.
Source (4)
“How he came up to them tho like he knew they could help. Oh my heart!!” comment on the Daily Mail from User401, Castle Rock, United Kingdom: source (2)
(1) Daily Mail
(2) Daily Mail
(4) cc video “Troubled polar bear has tin can stuck in mouth asks human for help” by The Daily Mail /watch?v=EIh8rgToBhY
Images from: (full copyright remains with the Daily Mail) Creative Commons Video “Troubled polar bear has tin can stuck in mouth asks human for help” by The Daily Mail (4)
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