Narrator: “Edward set off with the wheelbarrow.” (calling ‘Jojo, Jojo. Jojo where are you? Jojo where are you? ‘)
(Edward comes upon five colorful fluttering parrots perched up high in a tree, chattering noisily before doing an about-face in unison and pointing to another tree)
‘We have seen her at the tree,’ shrieked some parrots
Narrator: “Edward went to look.” (As Edward climbs high into the tree, the parrots descend upon the pie, quickly taking all the candles before the little elephant has a chance to climb down)
‘Jojo’, called Edward as he went through the woods, ‘Jojo.’
‘Uh… uh…, I I’ve seen her near the pond,’ said a bear.
Narrator: “Edward went to look.” (Soon Edward was distracted at the pond. It was then that the bear snuck over to the pie and, slurping with delight, gobbled up all of the marzipan roses which once had so decoratively graced the top.)
Narrator: “Edward came to a field. ‘Jojo’,” he called.
(Hee-haw. Hee-haw, brayed the donkey. ‘I have seen her in that ditch,’ a donkey said.
Narrator: “Edward went to look.” (Edward calls out ‘Jojo, Jojo,’ then sighs. As Edward is distracted the donkey sneakily takes donkey-sized bites out of the pie.)
Narrator: “The pie looked dreadful.”
‘Perhaps the Snipper Snappers will not notice,’ said Edward to himself.
(Edward arrives at the Snipper Snapper’s door and knocks.)
Narrator: Mr. Snipper Snapper opened the door.”
‘Your pie,’ said Edward. (Mr. & Mrs. Snipper Snapper & two little Snipper Snappers appear at the door)
‘What?? This is my birthday pie?’ Mrs. Snipper Snapper said (in exasperation) (More Snipper Snappers collectively appear at the dining room window, all wearing their birthday garb. All begin groaning with displeasure ‘Oh, no,’ they exclaim.)
Narrator: “Mrs. Snipper Snapper began to sob. (her tears began flooding down the front stoop of her house) ‘Oh, no.’ ‘Boo hoo hoo,’ wailed all the Aunties and Uncles. ‘Boo hoo hoo,’ roared the little Snipper Snappers. What a row!”
Narrator: “Jojo (inside the huge pie) opened one eye. She had eaten all of the cherries and had fallen fast asleep. Now she yawned. She stretched. The pie crust began to crack.” (At that moment Jojo appears from inside the pie) ‘Oh, owwwww,’ gasped the Snipper Snappers.”
Narrator: ‘Waaaaaa,’ screamed Jojo. ‘I want my mum. I want my mum.’ Edward heard his sister’s voice. ‘I want my mum,’ cried Jojo. (Edward appears outside the dining room window where the Snipper Snappers have gathered around the festive table; the pie now revealing a wailing baby elephant now in a prominent place in front of the salivating crocodiles.)
‘Never mind the cherries, my dear,’ he (Edward) heard Mr. Snipper Snapper say. ‘We will have elephant pie instead.‘
‘Oh, dear,’ thought Edward. ‘What shall I do?’
“Then he had an idea. ‘Don’t you want your custard?‘, he called (outside the dining room window).
‘The custard! The custard! (hailed Mrs. Snipper Snapper) The custard. The custard.,’ squealed the Snipper Snappers (while Jojo glances inquisitively around the room) “Mrs. Snipper Snapper snatched the jug (through the open window) and tipped it over Jojo’s head.”
‘Mmmmmm, I love custard,’ (exclaimed Mrs. Snipper Snapper) “She leaned forward and took a big sip. (Jojo now covered in the custard/mustard mix remains in the pie still unaware of her plight.) All the other Snipper Snappers did the same. ‘AYYYYYY’ (squealed Mrs. Snipper Snapper) “The mustard in the custard burned their tongues. Tears sprang to their eyes and poured to the floor. (Now the whole family was squealing in agony ‘AYYYYYY’.) Soon they were knee deep in water. Their tongues were on fire.”
“The more they cried the higher the water rose. It reached the tabletop and away floated Jojo on the pie dish, across the room and out of the window. Edward put her in the wheelbarrow and ran. He ran and ran and he did not stop running until he reached home.”
‘Oh, well done Edward,’ said Mrs. Elephant (taking Jojo into her arms)
“She gave Jojo a bath (squeak squeak goes the soapy sponge) and she let Edward stay up late. And they had a strawberry pie for supper.”
Images & transcribed from: CC Video ‘The Happy Birthday Video – Elephant Pie’ presented by VHS and Story Uploader 89 Revival YT CH
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