Sometimes it doesn’t matter how narrow or shallow the ditch, if you’re stuck, you’re stuck. Fortunately this little Asian elephant found that there are still kind humans left in this world to lend support to send one on its way. A recent elephant rescue in India, on video, proved just that. Distraught at the inability to free herself and the thought of being left behind by her elephant herd, a not-quite-coordinated elephant calf was discovered, in a shallow ditch, struggling, all four elephant feet flailing above her, and crying out in vain.
After taking part in a naughty raid of a nearby farm, “in the Haridwar district in west India,” along with her elephant herd, the baby elephant somehow tumbled into the ditch and “became trapped”. On her back, attempting to wiggle herself out of the ditch she struggled for several hours, distressing herself all the more before rescuers with the Indian Forest service were able to widen the ditch using a heavy digger. And despite a noisy crowd causing her more stress, the baby elephant was finally able to right herself, scurrying off into the forest where, it was reported, she “later reunited” with her elephant herd.
Resource: All quotes from this post, photos & video can be found at “Heart-warming footage shows moment forest officials rescue baby elephant after it becomes stuck on its back in a narrow ditch” by Victoria Bell for MailOnline The Daily Mail

CC Flickr photo of Painting / Drawing of Elephants posted by Fiona Henderson
Image: CC Flickr photo of Painting / Drawing of Elephants posted by Fiona Henderson