Dear Elephants:
This year Elephant Spoken Here forgot World Wildlife Day. (Yes, I know, how could we?) But we will never forget you as a species or forget your struggle to survive.
Not a day goes by that we are not haunted by your plight (the threat of extinction), devising ways to implore the public (humans) to recognize the dire situation that you (our elephants) are in.
How could we not worry?

elephants by Arati-Kumar-Rao walking away flicker cc
We are hopeful that our message to save you (our elephants) is reaching others and going out around the world.
To fight for your (our elephants’) very existence; to stop the abuse against you (our elephants) for the entertainment of humans; and to end the poaching / killing of you (our elephants) just for the ivory salvaged from your tusks to be crafted into trinkets, jewelry or other insignificant material things.
Our elephants (you) are such beautiful souls.
This blog is for you (our elephants) and is meant to educate the public (humans); not to lash out at them in anger for their lack of knowledge or ignorance. Though it has become increasingly difficult to witness the indifference (What About Nosey?) toward you (our elephants) just because you happen to be an animal (albeit a highly intelligent one).
The future of elephant conservation is now and without you (our elephants) the world could never be the same.
As World Wildlife Day exclaims “the future of elephants is in our hands.”
Humans, we now defer to you.
Your humble steward,
Elephant Spoken Here / Savannah Crisp
photos credit: World Wildlife Day CC Flickr
“The future of elephants is in our hands” World Wildlife Day
World Wildlife Day promotional material
“Let Them Be, Let Them Live” World Wildlife Day YouTube Video is affiliated with The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT)
#inourhands elephants Twitter