See Me Hear Me or A Potpourri of Elephant Photos, Videos & Stories

Where in the World Would You Find the Doppelganger of an Elephant ? : Striking Photographs Illuminate Nature’s Glory

Tucked away in Iceland is an elephant that closely guards an island (off of its southwest corner) called Heimaey.

This elephant shares the island, the “largest in the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago at 4 nautical miles,” with an estimated 4500 locals. A migratory population of 8 million puffins visits every summer, as well as a cruise ship every now and then.

And what an amazing sight it is. For the heart of this island beats not in the traditional sense (at least for those on the outside looking in) but in the image of a colossal elephant, its wrinkled trunk jutting out into the sea.


Elephant Rock on the island of Heimaey in Iceland   photo by Steven Bratman


Upon closer inspection one can see its full beauty around its cragged edges. For this rock formation casts a mighty shadow upon this enchanted island. (Luckily the elephant wasn’t shattered when a 1973 eruption from Eldfell, a nearby volcano, “destroyed half of the town”.)

And as natural wonders go, you can’t get any better than the doppelganger of an elephant! Now, how cool is that?


Elephant Rock at Sunset on the island of Heimaey in Iceland   photo by Steven Bratman


Profile of Elephant Rock on the island of Heimaey in Iceland by Steven Bratman


photo credits: Creative Commons Flickr: Elephant Rock and Elephant Rock Sunset by Steven Bratman , Featured Elephant Rock Photo












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