Stampede For Elephants or Elephant Activist Events & Charity Fundraisers

Third Annual International March For Elephants in Washington, D.C., USA Rescheduled for 24 October 2015

Elephant lovers unite. If you live in the Washington, D.C., USA area strap on your walking shoes and be the voice for our elephants, who cannot speak for themselves. “One every 15 minutes.” campaign


Due to inclement weather from the effects of Hurricane Joaquin the Third Annual International March For Elephants in Washington, D.C. has been rescheduled for Saturday 24 October 2015


International March For Elephants, Washington, D.C., USA


MARCH on Washington, District of Columbia, to save elephants from extinction ROAR for lions who are confined in cages, starved, and shot for cash SPEAK up for the last rhinos on earth.”


International March For Elephants, Washington, D.C., USA


If you do not live in America or the Washington, D.C. area please donate to a respectable organization (such as the iworry Campaign) devoted to saving the lives of our elephants.


International March For Elephants, Washington, D.C., USA


iworry is a campaign created by The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) and exists to protect elephants by raising awareness of the threats facing the survival of the species.”

iworry campaign touching promo video. “Why We Are Marching For Elephants and Rhinos.” Watch these baby elephants, you will never be the same again.

photos: Katarzyna Nowak on photo by Katarzyna Nowak

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