Elephants are in serious need our help. The annihilation of our elephants in the wild (poaching) must stop. The inhumane treatment (elephant abuse) of our elephants in captivity must come to an end. Hence, our Elephant Spoken Here blog was born. Yes, they belong to each of us (thus the term “our elephants”), if we truly care.
Our elephants were not born to live their lives in chains. Elephants were not born to ride tricycles, dance in tutus or heaven forbid, stand on their heads. And though an adult elephant may be very strong they were not made to toil for hours on end (even elephants are physically incapable of this) holding down a job (the monotony can be unbearable, too). Yet, to this day, far too many pachyderms are employed, as logging elephants, begging street elephants or working as trekking elephants in the elephant tourism industry being forced to carry a plethora of tourists on their backs.

Image: CC Flickr: by Earth Touch Elephant Mama and Baby
Elephants were born to be elephants. Their purpose on this planet is multifaceted (our Elephant Spoken Here blog will cover some of these issues) but all roads lead to their role as elephants, living in the wild. Our elephants should not have to constantly live in fear. Fear of humans coming to take their lives in the wild or humans rushing in to capture an innocent baby elephant from behind their mother’s back. (There is also our elephants’ fear of abuse in captivity by cruel humans wielding & striking them with bullhooks.)
While Elephant Spoken Here will cover the serious issues (with compassion, but not without bit of indignation sprinkled in) we will not forget those moments that make us smile; the elephant moments of whimsy and fun. And on occasion an off- topic post will find its way here under the category of “What’s That Got To Do With Elephants?” 🙂
Our Elephant Spoken Here blog is meant not only to educate (not to condemn unknowing or thoughtless humans & not to demean or humiliate) but to share our passion for these highly intelligent (some more so than humans), sentient, and sensitive animals. Our elephants are such beautiful souls.

Image: CC Flickr: by kpopat Sweet Baby Elephant
If humans were more like elephants just how much better could this world get? Not much. Just observe our elephants; in their interactions within their own families (elephant herds in the wild), in their emotions (elephants feel & show grief in death), in their actions & compassionate nature (captive-born elephants & elephants held in captivity for their entire lives have been shown to respond to their keepers with kindness when treated with kindness).
Let us not forget our elephants and our love for them.
Let us take that passion and use it in constructive ways to save our elephants (from extinction).
There just cannot be a world without elephants. There just can’t.

Image: CC Flickr: by Arati Kumar-Rao Elephant Herd
Elephant Conservation Rocks!
About Savannah Crisp: Elephant Spoken Here is written by an elephant loving (since childhood) individual , who is striving to devote her life (as an elephant advocate) to the cause of saving elephants. She holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree. Next to elephants she loves writing, reading, figure skating (well, maybe now as a spectator), ice cream <3 , fresh seafood, traveling , & enjoying the beauty/mystery of a deep blue ocean.

CC Flickr

CC Flickr
P.S. About the Category AbZOOlutely Not** or The Controversy of Zoos & Others Keeping Elephants in Captivity (**A disclaimer about this category …elephants in captivity). While there are some Zoos & others that demonstrate exemplary methods of elephant care, unfortunately, they do not represent the “lion’s share”. ) And this category does not include the elephant sanctuary, true/reputable elephant sanctuaries, of course.
header photo (on title page) of baby elephant in custom fitted raincoat: credit: Michael Nichols
photo credits: sweet baby elephant by kpopat CC Flickr, Elephant Mama & Baby by Earth Touch CC Flickr, Elephant Herd , flag , ocean , Elephant Walking Animated
The images on this blog, Elephant Spoken Here, are used solely for the purpose of saving our elephants, helping elephants and furthering the cause of elephant conservation.
This elephant blog / elephant website claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this elephant blog / elephant website are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this elephant blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it to appear on this site, please E-Mail with a link to said image (with description) and it will be promptly removed.
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